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Lockdown Information


The school has a Lockdown Policy based upon the latest guidance and is committed to doing everything possible to ensure the safety of all children and staff. This policy is not shared publically but is shared with staff on a regular basis.

The following should be followed in the event of a lockdown:

  • If either school site was to go into Lockdown, parents/carers will receive communication about the lockdown via Parentmail or telephone as soon as is practicable.
  • It is important that parents/carers understand that this communication will not give specific information as this can jeopardise children's safety.
  • Parents/carers should not ring the school or come to the school during a lockdown as this can tie up telephone lines that are needed for contacting emergency providers, interfere with emergency provider's access to the school or put people in danger.
  • Details should also not be shared publically on social media.
  • Parents/carers should wait for the school to contact them about when it is safe for them to come and collect their children, and where this will be from.
  • Depending on the type and severity of the incident, parents/carers may be asked NOT to collect their children from school as it may put them and their child at risk.
  • Pupils will not be released to parents/carers during a lockdown unless this is agreed by the Head Teacher or Head of Site.
  • The school day may be extended due to the lockdown, in which case parents/carers will be notified and will receive information about the time and place pupils can be picked up via Parentmail or phonecall.

We understand that parents/carers will be concerned and we will endeavour to communicate regular, relevant information in order to alleviate undue anxiety.