Welcome to

St Andrew's C of E VC Primary School

School Governance & Financial Information

The governing body, with the headteacher, has overall responsibility for the running of the school.

The governing body have three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;  and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office or by email via the Clerk to the Governing Body clerk@standrews.beds.sch.uk


Would you like to join the governing body? We are currently recruiting for one Parent Governor on the board. We also expect other vacancies to arise later this school year. If you are interested in being a governor, please look out for details via ParentMail or email clerk@standrews.beds.sch.uk for more information. 

The Governing Body

John Peter Price

Chair & Co-opted Governor

28/01/2021 to 27/01/2025

Appointed by Governing Body


Revd. Liz Oglesby-Elong Foundation Governor

11/11/2021 to 10/11/2025

Nominated by Diocese of St. Albans  

Sue Rolfe

Head Teacher   Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher


George Dilley

Church Foundation Governor 24/09/2024 to 23/09/2028 Appointed by PCC

Pay & Conditions

Achievement & Curriculum

Danielle Singh Church Foundation Governor 22/11/2024 to 21/11/2028 Appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education


Paul Middleton Local Authority Governor 06/02/2020 to 05/02/2024 Nominated by Central Bedfordshire Council


Schools for the Future WP

Mark Choonara Co-opted Govenor 05/07/2022 to 04/07/2026 Appointed by Governing Body Schools for the Future WP
Martin Emsley

Co-opted Govenor

05/07/2022 to 04/07/2026 Appointed by Governing Body Resources
Julia Spence Co-opted Governor 


to 20/03/2028

Appointed by the Governing Body

Achievement & Curriculum

Schools for the Future WP

Adam Isle Parent Governor 24/05/2024 to 23/052028 Elected by parents

Pay & Conditions

Jonathan Woodhead

Co-opted Governor 27/06/2024 to 26/06/2028 Appointed by Governing Body Achievement & Curriculum

Richard Douglas

Staff Governor 01/11/2022 to 31/10/2026 Appointed by the Governing Body  
Sarah Greene Clerk to the Governing Board      











Rev Guy Scott

Church Foundation Governor

01/09/2013 to 15/10/2020

Ex-officio foundation governor (appointed by foundation by virtue of the office they hold)


Carolyn Tebbutt

Church Foundation Governor

30/10/2016 to 04/11/2020

Appointed by foundation


Jennifer Beach

Co-opted Governor

03/12/2019 to 03/11/2020

Appointed by Governing Body


John Peter Price

Co-opted Governor

17/01/2017 to 16/01/2021

Appointed by Governing Body


Robert Anthony Butcher

Co-opted Governor

17/01/2017 to 16/01/2021

Appointed by Governing Body


Simon Fung

Parent Governor

21/11/2016 to 12/09/2022

Elected by parents and co-opted by Governing Body.


Matthew Hindley

Parent Governor

20/11/2017 to 06/12/2022

Elected by parents


Iain Wheeler

Parent Governor

16/03/2020 to 20/06/2022

Elected by parents


Gill Thomas

Staff Governor

05/06/2018 to 04/06/2022

Elected by school staff


Helen Tranter

Co-opted Governor & Co-Vice Chair

03/12/2019 to 23/01/2023

 Appointed by Governing Body


Claire Leeks

Church Foundation Governor

13/05/2021 to 12/05/2025

Appointed by foundation


Rob Butcher 

Church Foundation Governor 

30/10/2010 to 26/01/2024

Appointed by Diocesian Board of Finance 


David Short 

Parent Governor 

15/03/2020 to 14/03/2024

Elected by parents


Sally Wells

Church Foundation Governor


Appointed by Foundation


Nicola Ripley

Parent Governor

01/01/2021 to 01/01/2025

Appointed by parents

Ananth Shenoy Parent Governor 05/02/2025 to 05/02/2029 Appointed by parents  
Governor meeting attendance 2023-2024.pdf .pdf
Governor meeting dates 24-25.pdf .pdf
Governor register of interests 24-25.pdf .pdf
Governor roles and responsibilities 24-25 - working document.pdf .pdf

Financial Information

You can find financial information about the school here.

There are no school employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.