Welcome to

St Andrew's C of E VC Primary School

Paper copies of all information contained on this website are available on request by contacting the school office at office@standrews.beds.sch.uk.


Accessibility Policy and Plan March 2024.pdf .pdf
Administration of medicines policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Admissions 2024.pdf .pdf
Antibullying 2023.pdf .pdf
Assessment Policy.pdf .pdf
Attendance 2020.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions March 2022.pdf .pdf
Child-on-Child Abuse Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Children with Allergies Policy updated.pdf .pdf
Collective_Worship_Policy_2020.pdf .pdf
Complaints Policy for managing serial and unreasonable complaints.pdf .pdf
complaints-procedure.pdf .pdf
Data Protection Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
DfE Music Development Plan 2024.pdf .pdf
Early Years Policy.pdf .pdf
Equal Opportunities Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality_Information and Objectives Statement April 2024.pdf .pdf
Health_and_Safety_Policy June 2024.pdf .pdf
Home Learning Policy .pdf .pdf
Marking and Feedback Policy.pdf .pdf
Welcome to

St Andrew's C of E VC Primary School

Paper copies of all information contained on this website are available on request by contacting the school office at office@standrews.beds.sch.uk.


Accessibility Policy and Plan March 2024.pdf .pdf
Administration of medicines policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Admissions 2024.pdf .pdf
Antibullying 2023.pdf .pdf
Assessment Policy.pdf .pdf
Attendance 2020.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions March 2022.pdf .pdf
Child-on-Child Abuse Policy 2024.pdf .pdf
Children with Allergies Policy updated.pdf .pdf
Collective_Worship_Policy_2020.pdf .pdf
Complaints Policy for managing serial and unreasonable complaints.pdf .pdf
complaints-procedure.pdf .pdf
Data Protection Policy 2023.pdf .pdf
DfE Music Development Plan 2024.pdf .pdf
Early Years Policy.pdf .pdf
Equal Opportunities Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality_Information and Objectives Statement April 2024.pdf .pdf
Health_and_Safety_Policy June 2024.pdf .pdf
Home Learning Policy .pdf .pdf
Marking and Feedback Policy.pdf .pdf